Our teen wellness articles offer practical advice for parents and caregivers of teens in junior or senior high school (grades 7-12).

Schools and school authorities are welcome to share these articles with parents in newsletters, bulletin boards, and other communications.

We've organized our library of articles by topic below:

Mental health

When life goes virtual: Tips to help your teen stay well with screens

These days, it might seem like your teen is always on a screen—a smart phone, tablet, TV, computer, video game, or other tech device. In these unusual times, be there to help them navigate their online experiences.

Bullying: 5 ways to help your teen

Bullying is never okay. It’s not a normal part of growing up. As a parent or caregiver, here are some important ways to prevent and address bullying.

Rise and Shine! Healthy sleep habits for teens

Sleep is especially important for teens. Get tips on how to form healthy sleep habits for you and your teen.

Five ways to be well at home

Feeling stuck at home? Make a family plan for wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Get started with these tips.

Cultivating kindness

Acts of kindness have been shown to help students learn and do well at school, and to lower their stress. Try these ideas to cultivate kindness!

Four healthy habits to help teens fall back into routine

Help your teen learn and practice planning and time-management skills. They're tools for mental health!


Healthy Eating in Stressful Times: Tips for Families with Teens

Stress can disrupt our eating habits.  Here are some tips to help your teen and family make healthy eating a priority.

Physical activity

Activate your teen in the great outdoors

There’s a clear link between spending time outside and our overall sense of well-being. Try these tips to activate your teen in nature.

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